We're planning an evening ceremony at the Bay Creek Resort's Aqua Restaurant. Aqua is located at 5 Marina Village, Cape Charles, Virginia.
Directions from the north:
Travel south on Rt. 13 to Cape Charles. Turn right at the Cape Charles stop light, route 184. Follow Route 184 into the town of Cape Charles and turn right onto Fig Street. Follow Fig Street to the marina. The Aqua Restaurant is located at 5 Marina Circle.
Directions from the south:
Travel north on Rt. 13 to Cape Charles. Turn left at the Cape Charles stoplight, onto route 184. Follow Route 184 into the town of Cape Charles and turn right onto Fig Street. Follow Fig Street to the marina. The Aqua Restaurant is located at 5 Marina Circle.

An hors doeuvre reception will immediately follow the ceremony. The bar will be open with beer and wine available until 11:00 p.m. Music will be provided by DJD Productions. Be prepared to dance! Evening cocktail wear is preferred.

Will be flying off to the Dominican Republic early the next morning for a fabulous week of sun and fun.

We look forward to your presence on our special day. Of course, all we ask is your presence. If you cannot attend, your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. We do realize that many of you may wish to give us a wedding gift to commemorate our union together. Since we already have most of the traditional wedding gift items, we have decided to offer our guests a popular new wedding gift alternative - our honeymoon registry. This will allow you to help us create the honeymoon memories that will last us a lifetime. We have planned a relaxing honeymoon in the beautiful Dominican Republic’s Iberostar Bavaro resort.