Andy and I met at Shelby's, where I work. He stopped by regularly, and seeing him always brightened my day. One evening we ran into each other downtown, where I was shooting pool with a friend. He hung around for a while, eventually offering me a ride home. I was completely unaware he lived mere yards from my own apartment! We introduced our kids, who are barely 3 months apart in age, and they loved playing together! I could tell he was a good daddy from the beginning, which made me love him all the more. From then on we've been inseparable! On May 11th, he presented me with a beautiful vintage style engagement ring, asking if I "wanted to wear this for the next 50 years or so?" So unorthodox, yet remarkably normal for us! :)

Our actual wedding is planned for October 13, 2007, with only immediate family and close friends joining us. The site we've chosen is too crowded for a large celebration, which is why we've decided to have a huge reception!

Come one, Come all! It's bound to be fun with us around, always the silly couple! The reception will be at the Elk's Lodge in Warrensburg, and there's plenty of space for everyone! Plan on dancing, with our eclectic tastes in music I'm sure you'll hear something you enjoy. Hey, and don't forget- this will probably the first (and maybe last!) time most of you will actually see me in a dress! :) Oh, and yes, for the thirsty, there will be "alcoholic refreshment" available.

We're headed to Cancun, Mexico on the fifteenth of October!! We're both ecstatic, and we'll take lots of pictures to show off when we get back! We'll be staying in the El Dorado, right on the beach. We haven't registered anywhere else but with Berwick travel since we have all the household things we'll need so if you'd like to give a gift, please see our registry on this site!

Thank you to all the people who've already used my register, we hope to get actual thank you cards out soon! It's been pretty crazy around here, with trying to sell the house we built and planning this wedding but I enjoy the challenges. We look forward to seeing everyone who will be joining us, some of you from out of town even! We can't wait to get everyone together at the reception, I plan on having a great time and hope you will too. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to call me at 660-422-1790 or email me at lilliemelissa@yahoo.com.